I Have Received the Blogger Recognition Award!

Many thanks to Crazy Mommy for nominating me for the Blogger Recognition Award! This award is given to bloggers by bloggers to show appreciation for the effort that has been put into their developing blogs. Ashley is a crazy awesome mother of four who blogs about daily adventures, travel ideas, special needs awareness, and many more interesting topics. Please check out her blog and show some support!

Why did I start blogging? 

  • Honestly, I really struggled when I started college and still am today. I use this blog to rant about it and get my thoughts out in a (hopefully) humorous fashion. If you make fun of crappy situations, they don't seem so crappy anymore! My hope was that other students could read my blog and feel less stressed and perhaps have a laugh or two. 
Wonton's advice for new bloggers:
  • Write every day about something that you feel passionate about. If it's entertaining to you, it'll be entertaining for your readers as well.
  • Share your blog on social media with your real life friends a.k.a. your first supporters!
  • Have a clean layout on your blog.
  • Try to avoid long paragraphs. They make it hard to read.
15 Blogs I would like to nominate:

  1. http://katie-lois.blogspot.com
  2. https://stellaliii.wordpress.com
  3. https://thatcanadiancharm.com
  4. http://www.honestlyrussell.com
  5. https://simplyemsblog.wordpress.com
  6. https://www.adventurous-travels.com
  7. http://highfivedad.com
  8. https://www.garille.com
  9. http://curtisluke.com
  10. http://rumiskitchen.blogspot.com
  11. http://thebeautyboulevard.nl/en/
  12. http://www.mrlukechristian.com/blog
  13. http://travelingfoodies.org
  14. https://natalake.blogspot.com
  15. You?? Comment below!!
Accepting this Award:

~Make sure you take the time to thank the blogger who gave you your nomination.  Write a little bit about them and their blog and provide a link of where to find their blog.

~Write a post to show your award

~Briefly explain why you started your blog

~Share some advice to new bloggers

~Select 15 other bloggers you would like to nominate for this award

~Comment on each blog and let them know you have nominated them; provide the link to the post you have created regarding the award.

Have a great day, everyone! And thanks again Crazy Mommy!


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