Wonton's Guide to Worry

Today was a good day. But other days, life really sucks. Divorce, natural disasters, CALCULUS, etc. When tough times hit, you just have to zoom out a bit and gain some perspective on the situation. Think about it, if you zoom in on a cell phone camera it looks super blurry, right? 

But if you zoom out you can take a gorgeous panoramic photo, or whatever you want. That's what we need to do in our lives. See the big picture. Does it really matter that I got an 80 instead of a 90 on that homework? No. Is it going to affect me in 5 years, 10, 20? Hell no. It's clear that worrying is the terrible waste of time. It prevents you from enjoying the moment that's right in front of you. And before you know it, it's gone. (more on living in the moment soon) So zoom out, everyone. Capture everything you can. You'll find that for every reason that life gives you to cry, you have ten more to laugh.

The most beautiful picture I've ever taken on my phone.


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