The Definitive Reason to Quit Your Job, Now

I have something really important to tell you, reader. Life is super super short. I read once that if we treat the history of humanity as 1 day, we each are only here for approximately one hour. When we die, the rest of the world moves on without a hitch. I hate to break it to you, but our lives are insignificant. Steve Jobs died in 2011, but Apple is still thriving, isn't it?

You might be saying to yourself, "Wow thanks Wonton, I'm now depressed." My response would simply be that your life being short and insignificant gives you all the reason to do more of what you love every single moment of every day. We humans take life far too seriously, and this mindset is spreading like the 2009 swine flu craze. Please please get this through your head - you are going to die soon. That's not a joke. Lights out. Sure, it may not be for a while. But it could be tomorrow. You could even have a heart attack at this very moment. Unlikely? Yes. Impossible? Nope.

Take a second to answer this question - If money were no object, what would you be doing tomorrow? You might have multiple ideas, and I encourage you to document them all. Once you have your answer, just do it. Why would you waste any time doing something that isn't your true passion? (and we all have one, by the way) If you are passionate about something, money is there to be made. Period. You can make a business out of anything these days. No matter how crazy or unique your dream job is, chances are there is someone out there doing it already! For example, I think that Jeremy Clarkson (host of Top Gear, a TV show about cars) has one of the coolest jobs in the world - driving cars around and talking about how fast they are. If that's something you want to do, get out there and take the first step!

And if your parents or friends call you dumb, let them. Use it as fuel for your fire. That's simply a reflection of their dream and their view of the world, not yours. Your opinion of yourself is the only one that matters, ever. Often times, somebody will tell you that you can't do something because they were too scared to try it themselves.
**For more help finding your passion - I highly recommend "Finding Your North Star" by Martha Beck**

Heading into college, a lot of students choose their major based on the projected salary associated with it. To hell with that. I have so much respect for the art students at my university for saying "piss off" to everyone that asked them how they were going to pay their bills. As a computer science student, I have lost some self-respect for not following my dreams. I'm willing to bet that no more than 10% of computer science students have a true passion for binary digits and algorithm analysis. (Not that that makes me feel any better) Millions of people, including myself, have let society tell them how to live their life. And we let them because of fear. Fear we won't find a job. Fear we won't make money. Fear our parents won't approve. Fear people will think we're bums. But what is there to fear when our lives can be summarized by two words - short and insignificant.


  1. Hello Wonton - I am also An. I found your post on the random search, and I have to say I share a similar ideology. I view it as: YOLO, so make the most out of life by making substance to your day. Thanks for sharing your thoughts man. :)


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